
Party of 12

A multi-generational community of people gathering to do life together. Build community, grow spiritually with God's Word, and discover ways to serve others in Christ's love.

When: Sundays @ 6pm, twice a month
Where: local home
Who: Anyone, singles, couples, multi-generational

Childcare: involve with the group
Contact: Darren & Joanne Dunavan Email Call

Sunday Evening Gathering

Gather weekly with others of all ages for biblical fellowship built around God’s Word, gospel songs, and personal testimonies. This mid-size disciple-making group comes together for prayer, singing, teaching, and to encourage one another (with appropriate distancing). Connect together to Christ and grow with others as biblical, loving, Spirit-filled disciples to engage your world.

When: Sundays at 6pm
Where: FACT Fellowship Hall
Who: Singles, Couples, Males, Females, Multi-generational

Childcare: No
Contact: Bob Wiley Email Call Ralph Rollins Email Call


A community built on the S.E.A.N. series that empowers people for whole-life discipleship, mission, and ministry. Explore in depth the Life of Christ as conveyed in the Gospels through study and discussion, be inspired to serve others as you gain a deeper understanding of our Savior, and grow as a disciple who can help others connect to Christ.

When: Sundays at 9:00am
Where: Library
Who: Multi-generational, Anyone
Contact: Dale Garside Email Call

Men's Story Thru the Bible

A community for men where we look at the writings of the Bible with fresh eyes. The Parables of Jesus are more than just nice stories, they are truth to learn about, take away from, and share with others. Gather with men to be challenged by these stories and be encouraged to not only apply them in your own life, but look for ways to engage your community and world with the hope of Jesus. What‘s God’s story, what's our story, and how do they intersect?

When: Sundays at 8:45am
Where: Online
Who: Men of all generations
Contact: Jarvis Crosby