Online Group

Albright Home Group

A Discipling Community for any age and stage of life with a focus on developing as disciples through prayer, study, discussion, and fellowship. Connect with others, be more connected with the church, and be encouraged to daily walk well with Christ as disciples . 

When: Tuesdays at 7pm
Where: Currently online
Who: Couples, Singles, Men, Women, Any age

Childcare: Not Available
Contact: Keith McElroy Email Call


GriefShare is for those who need hope and encouragement after losing a loved one. This year, the group will be offered both in-person and online. The 13-week on-campus group begins Tuesday, 9/7/21 at 6:30pm, and the 13-week online group begins Thursday, 9/9/21 at 6:30pm. Find support through video, group discussion, and a personal workbook, or encourage someone you know to participate. Click here to learn more and to register.

When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm (starting 9/7/21 on-campus) or Thursdays at 6:30pm (starting 9/9/21 online)
Where: On-campus and online options available
Who: Singles, Couples, Males, Females, Multi-generational, Anyone,

Childcare: No
Contact: Dennis & Sara Dodge Email Call

Men's Story Thru the Bible

A community for men where we look at the writings of the Bible with fresh eyes. The Parables of Jesus are more than just nice stories, they are truth to learn about, take away from, and share with others. Gather with men to be challenged by these stories and be encouraged to not only apply them in your own life, but look for ways to engage your community and world with the hope of Jesus. What‘s God’s story, what's our story, and how do they intersect?

When: Sundays at 8:45am
Where: Online
Who: Men of all generations
Contact: Jarvis Crosby