FACTWeekly Update


Week of Sundays, March 30, 2025

James 2:14-26

WELCOME! Our heartbeat is to Connect to Christ, Grow with Others, and Engage the World together as Family. We gather to be disciples totally committed to Christ, becoming like Him in supreme love for God, selfless love for others, and sacrificial love for the world as we go locally, regionally, and globally. We hope you participate today with an expectation to encounter the Lord and a desire to celebrate the wonder of Jesus. It’s all about Him!

New (or New Again)?

We’re glad you are here. For information about Next Steps or Prayer, scroll to the bottom. Would you please take a moment and complete the Next Steps Card (button below) so we can start to get to know you? For information about FACTkids ministries (including Sunday morning Kingdom Kids), FACTyouth, or general FAQs about First Alliance Church, click here.

News & Information

In addition to the next steps given that are part of each opportunity, you can also stop by the Welcome Center or contact the FACT Office.

Until the King Returns …

The missional heartbeat behind everything The Alliance does is this, All of Jesus for All the World.

Connect to Christ

Easter is just 3 weeks away. We invite you to spend the next few weeks Preparing for Easter. For generations, Christians have spent the weeks leading up to Easter remembering the life of Christ and renewing their connection with our Lord. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the weight of sin, death, and darkness in the world, while also bringing out the beautiful hope found in the Gospel of Christ. Click HERE for resources to help you prepare, including scripture passages to read each week leading up to Easter and then scripture passages for each day of Holy Week. However you choose to prepare for Easter, we pray it would be a time of reflection and repentance that leads to renewal and rest in Christ.

Grow with Others

Receive Prayer Requests to be part of praying effectively and purposefully for the people of FACT, Toccoa/Stephens County, and the world via email or text. You will receive them once a day via text or email. If you aren’t currently receiving prayer requests, call the church office to get on the list.

Engage the World

We’ve got lots of churches across our Alliance family preparing to send their youth to LIFE. Would you pray …

  • that God would stir in the hearts of students who are still deciding whether or not they’d like to attend LIFE. Pray that the Holy Spirit would prompt them to take that next step forward!

  • for the students who are currently signed up and registered. Pray that God would do a stirring work, even now! Pray that God would stir a hunger to encounter His presence.

  • for our youth pastors and leaders who are currently recruiting, organizing, fundraising and planning. Youth ministry comes with many challenges already . . . pray that God would ease the burden of preparing for LIFE on behalf of our youth pastors and leaders.

FACT Giving

February 2025
Monthly Needed Income for General Fund = $36,514
Monthly Received for General Fund = $32,761 (10% under budget)

Monthly Needed Income for GCF = $8,432
Monthly Received for GCF = $7,563 (10% under budget)

March 16, 2025 March 23, 2025
Received for General Fund = $7,629 Received for General Fund = $18,657
Received for the GCF = $1,941 Received for the GCF = $746


Friends, Friday, March 28 at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. All ladies are invited to this time of food, fun, and fellowship.

The church is hosting a wedding shower for Pastor Luke and Dara, on Saturday, March 29 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please check out their wedding registry HERE

Sunday, March 30 is Youth/Children Sunday. Come here the kids sing, the youth lead worship, and Pastor Luke preach. We will be taking a special offering on that Sunday to support our youth going to LIFE conference in July. 

Easter Ensemble: For Easter, we are putting together a vocal ensemble. If you would be interested in singing, please contact Diane Warden, 706-599-9106.

Ministering to Children and Youth Event: A special event is planned for Sunday, April 6th after morning worship in the Fellowship Hall. 

The purpose of the event will be to introduce to our church family opportunities to serve in FACT ministries involving the nursery, Kingdom Kids, AWANA, Soccer Camp, Power Time Camp and the Youth Group.
A brief overview of the variety of opportunities to serve in Children’s and Youth Ministries will be presented.  The leaders of each of the ministries will be present to discuss options and to answer questions. The process of completing "Risk Management" will be presented and everyone will be invited to complete the online “Risk Management” questionnaire, onsite, that day.

The Ministering to Children and Youth Event will provide:

  • A sub style lunch (with gluten free options).

  • Helpers on-hand for those that struggle with online training.

  • Hard copies of the Risk Management Training Manual.

We request (if possible) those attending, bring a personal laptop computer or tablet.
If you have any questions, call or text Jay Hunter (706)244-0364

Men, come enjoy breakfast and fellowship with prayer at the next Men’s Breakfast, Saturday, April 12, 2024 at 8:00 am in the Family Life Center.

Alliance Women will be having their next meeting on Saturday, April 12 at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. You won’t want to miss the latest updates from one of our International Workers.

There will be a memorial service for Diego Schaefer on Saturday, April 12 in the Fellowship Hall. The time has not yet been decided.

There will be a memorial service for Bob Weaver on Saturday, April 12 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

This year’s Alliance Women’s ladies retreat, With Wings Like Eagles, will be held April 25-27. The keynote speakers will be mother/daughter duo, Jewel Evans and Amber Maxwell. If you have questions about ladies retreat, please contact Sharon Crosby.

This year's Stuff Sale will be here before we know it. Mark your calendars now and start finding all your treasures to sell. The sale will be in the Family Life Center on Saturday, May 3 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. $20 per 8’ spot (which will go to sending kids to Powertime Camp). To reserve a spot, please call the church office. 

Awana store night is happening May 14th. Children from pre-K through 6th grade will be “shopping“ with their hard earned shares, from memorizing verses and completing workbook sections.  Age appropriate donations would be appreciated. Please drop items in the AWANA box placed in the front office area at the children's entrance.

Monthly Prayer Focus


Pray with the heart & mind of Christ for Muslims around the world as they celebrate Ramadan (3/1 – 3/31), Islam’s most important annual month of fasting and religious observance when many seek encounters with God and to understand His ways better. Pray our world’s Muslim neighbors would come to know the one true trinitarian God. Pray that Christ would reveal Himself as Savior and Lord to men, women, & children through His Word and dreams & visions. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten those seeking Truth. Pray for Alliance team members working among Muslims to have open doors and creative opportunities to share the good news. Pray for North American Christians to have opportunity to interact intentionally and respectfully with Muslim neighbors. Pray with faith, hope, and love that there would be understanding, consideration of Jesus without hindrance, and that Christ would be the living water and bread of life to those who are hungry.

All of Jesus for All the World
Alliance Ministries

West Africa

  • Door-to-door evangelism efforts are taking place in new neighborhoods on the outskirts of a city where Alliance international workers (IWs) serve. Pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare hearts and that the good news will be received with joy.

  • A marriage seminar is taking place this month. Pray that many will attend and commit anew to their marriages and families.

  • Pray for God’s blessing on a widows’ ministry. Pray for Alliance workers as they gather this month and focus on the specific challenges for widows’ children.


  • Alliance IWs are trusting God for a revival in hearts and minds and a deeper commitment to Christ in C&MA churches.

  • An Alliance team writes, "We are purchasing a new property for a church plant in Luque and are grateful for resources that have come in for that purpose. Pray that the Lord will guide us in all details."


Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday
10am - 5pm

Sunday 3/30

Discipleship 316
9:00 am, FLC

Coffee & Connection

10:00 am, FH

Worship Service
Youth Sunday/Offering for LIFE
Kingdom Kids
Nursery & Toddlers
10:30 am
Sanctuary & livestream

Sunday Evening Gathering
6:00 pm, FH

Wednesday 4/2

Women’s Prayer
10:00 am, Prayer Room

Prayer for Revival
12:00 pm, Sanctuary


Prayer Meeting
6:30 pm, FLC Room 212

No Youth Group

FRIday 4/4

Grief Share
10:30 am, Library

SATURday 4/5

Men’s Prayer Meeting
8:00 am, Library

Sunday 4/6

Discipleship 316
9:00 am, FLC

Coffee & Connection
10:00 am, FH

Worship Service
Kingdom Kids
Nursery & Toddlers
10:30 am
Sanctuary & livestream

Ministering to Kids & Youth
12:00 pm, FH

Sunday Evening Gathering
6:00 pm, FH


4/12, Men’s Breakfast
4/12, Alliance Women
4/12, Memorial for Diego Schaefer
4/21, Elder’s Meeting
4/22, Admin Board Meeting
4/25, AW Ladies Retreat
4/25, Friends
4/25, Memorial for Bob Weaver
4/25, AWANA Grand Prix Workday
5/3, Stuff Sale

FH = Fellowship Hall

Next Steps

Do you have questions about First Alliance Church Toccoa? Take some time to explore FACToccoa.com or call or contact the church office.

If you are ready to take a next step to Connect, Grow, & Engage together as a part of First Alliance, let us know via a Next Steps Card, visit the Welcome Center if on campus, or call or contact the church office.

Need Prayer?

Are things going on in your life? Is God challenging you and you would like to talk to someone? Following the service, some of our elders and their wives are available for prayer in the Prayer Room (off the lobby near the restrooms). You can also Request Prayer if joining online.

You can submit Prayer Requests via a Next Steps Card, by contacting the church office, online at FACToccoa.com/prayer, through the FACT App, or by calling the church office. When you need prayer, we’re here for you.


Giving is one of the ways we respond to God in worship. We are able to gather & go locally, regionally, and globally through the consistent, generous tithes and offerings given. Here’s how you can give:

  • Check/Cash in a Giving Box or mailed in

  • Online via FACT app or this website.

  • Text Give to 706-567-7379

Online options are safe, secure, and can be used to set up automated giving.

Get Connected

There’s an easy way for you to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the various FACT e-newsletters. Visit FACToccoa.com/newsletters to subscribe to FACT news (weekly FACTs You Can Use and occasional other updates), prayer requests, men’s opportunities, women’s opportunities, FACTyouth Parents Update, or Married People Monthly.