Campus Based Group

Bible Coffee Fellowship

A Discipling Community for women of all ages that is a forum of coffee and community to dig into the realities of Scripture and how to make it personal while building women up in the faith and equipping them to "pass it on."

When: Thursdays at 10:00am
Where: Library
Who: Women, Multi-generational

Childcare: Available
Contact: Edie Tubbs Email Call

Sunday Evening Gathering

Gather weekly with others of all ages for biblical fellowship built around God’s Word, gospel songs, and personal testimonies. This mid-size disciple-making group comes together for prayer, singing, teaching, and to encourage one another (with appropriate distancing). Connect together to Christ and grow with others as biblical, loving, Spirit-filled disciples to engage your world.

When: Sundays at 6pm
Where: FACT Fellowship Hall
Who: Singles, Couples, Males, Females, Multi-generational

Childcare: No
Contact: Bob Wiley Email Call Ralph Rollins Email Call

Women's Bible Group

A Discipling Community for women that meets weekly and is focused on Bible study through both learning and discussion. In addition, this intergenerational group fosters spiritual growth via relationship, fellowship, supporting one another in prayer, and seeking to engage our local world in practical ways.

When: Wednesdays at 6:45pm
Where: Library in the Worship Center
Who: Women, Multi-generational

Childcare: Available via Awana
Contact: Joyce Griffin Email Call

Clayton Discipling Community

This group is open to people of all ages, married or single. The focus is learning more about the Bible and the lessons we can use in our everyday lives. Discover more about God and His plan for us as we explore the Bible together through prayer, teaching, personal study, and group discussion.

When: Thursdays from 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Library
Who: Singles, Couples, Males, Females, Multi-generational

Childcare: No
Contact: George Clayton Email Call Eloise Griner Call


This community is geared for women who may not have friends/family in the area or who need to make a friend. Connect with other women through a time of devotion, prayer, fellowship, food, and building Christ-centered relationship while enjoying board games together. After all, a merry heart does good like a medicine.

Currently not meeting due to COVID concerns.

When: Usually 4th Friday of the month at Noon
Where: Fellowship Hall at First Alliance Church
Who: Women of all ages

Childcare: No
Contact: Laraine Betts