
Women’s Fellowship

Women’s Fellowship is a place for women (mid-20's to mid-40's) to join together to encourage, support and pray for one another as we walk through similar life stages. This discipling community meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 for prayer and dessert and rotates host homes each month!

When: 3rd Monday evening of each month @ 6:30pm
Where: Various homes
Who: Women, 20s-40s

Childcare: No
Contact: Elizabeth Petersheim (765)-407-1118

Pleasing God

Gather with others (multi-generational) in community to explore what it means to follow Jesus today and what makes life worth living. Relationships and God’s Word are very valuable keys to finding what should be cherished and valued.

When: Thursdays @ 7pm
Where: local home
Who: Anyone, singles, young adults, couples, multi-generational

Childcare: No
Contact: Doug & Naomi Ord Email Call

Party of 12

A multi-generational community of people gathering to do life together. Build community, grow spiritually with God's Word, and discover ways to serve others in Christ's love.

When: Sundays @ 6pm, twice a month
Where: local home
Who: Anyone, singles, couples, multi-generational

Childcare: involve with the group
Contact: Darren & Joanne Dunavan Email Call

Clayton Discipling Community

This group is open to people of all ages, married or single. The focus is learning more about the Bible and the lessons we can use in our everyday lives. Discover more about God and His plan for us as we explore the Bible together through prayer, teaching, personal study, and group discussion.

When: Thursdays from 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Library
Who: Singles, Couples, Males, Females, Multi-generational

Childcare: No
Contact: George Clayton Email Call Eloise Griner Call