The FACT annual Family Festival of Nations is February 23-March 2, 2025. It's a full week of remembering the Harvest. This is why we plant churches. This is why we send workers. This is why we extend the love, care, and compassion of Jesus to the world’s suffering, marginalized, and underserved. This is why we go to the last, remaining hard places instead of locations more hospitable to gospel messengers.

The FACT family is part of The Alliance family, and we get to remember The Harvest.

Will you be part of this year’s Festival?

“There’s not an empty or unplowed field in all the world today that God doesn’t intend for a harvest.”

—Tim Crouch

Special Project


Scroll down (or click here) for specific information about what’s being served at meals or what you need to bring.

Sunday, February 23
   Opening Service --10:30 AM / Sanctuary and
   Prayer & Pie -- 6 PM / FLC (We’ll share pie after we pray together for all the world … bring a pie to share.)

Monday, February 24
   Meal -- 6:15 PM / FLC
Family Fun Night -- 7:00PM / FLC (No Nursery provided.)

Tuesday, February 25
   Meal -- 6:15 PM / FLC
Adults/Youth -- 7:00 PM / Sanctuary
   Kids’ Festival -- 7:00 PM / Children’s Wing

Wednesday, February 26
Meal -- 6:15 PM / FLC  
Adult/Youth -- 7:00 PM / Sanctuary
   Kids’ Festival -- 7:00 PM / Children’s Wing

Thursday, February 27
Meal -- 6:15 PM / FLC 
Adult/Youth -- 7:00 PM / Sanctuary
   Kids’ Festival -- 7:00 PM / Children’s Wing

Friday, February 28
   No scheduled events

Saturday, March 1
   Men’s Breakfast -- 8:30 AM / FLC (suggested donation of $5 per person)
   Women’s Brunch -- 10 AM / Fellowship Hall (suggested donation of $5 per person)

Sunday, March 2
   Closing Worship Service -- 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary and
International Potluck -- following the service in the Family Life Center

Live Streaming Info

Services for both Sunday mornings (2/23 and 3/2) will be live-streamed at, Youtube, and Facebook for those who wish to participate that way. Sunday night (2/23), Monday night (2/24), Tuesday night (2/25), Wednesday night (2/26), and Thursday night (2/27) will not be live-streamed.

My Faith Promise

God has called each of us to join Him in fulfilling the most urgent task in human history: reconciling all people to Himself.

A Faith Promise is an active step of faith you can take over the next year to give all people the opportunity to hear and respond to Jesus' invitation. The "Faith" part means that you are trusting God to provide; the "Promise" part is your commitment to give what the Holy Spirit has prompted you to give. You may not know right now where these additional funds will come from, but you are intentionally trusting God to provide the amount you have pledged.

Will you join in this work?

Taking All of Jesus to All the World takes all of us. When you make a faith promise, you:

  • enable Alliance workers to be nimble and responsive to urgent needs

  • make it easy for missions giving to be a part of your regular budget

  • connect to what God is doing throughout the world

  • create long-term sustainability for Alliance ministries

Will you make a Faith Promise?

Together—we can do more!

To learn more and complete a Faith Promise Pledge, click the link below. Your Faith Promise is an agreement between you and the Lord and will only be seen and tabulated by the FACT Finance Team. While we will record your giving for tax deductible purposes, we will not track your giving compared to your Faith Promise. Questions? Contact us.

Meals & Food

A highlight of each year’s Festival is the food.

  • Sunday evening, 2/23

    • Prayer & Pie Night. Bring a pie to share and eat after our time of prayer for missions and the world together.

  • Monday, 2/24

    • Meal at 6:15 PM (Turkey Tetrazzini)

    • International Desserts (provided) served at the end of Family Fun Night.

  • Tuesday, 2/25

    • Meal at 6pm (Chili & Soup)

  • Wednesday, 2/26

    • FACTyouth sponsored Meal at 6pm (Taco Bar)

    • Proceeds of this meal will go toward Youth Fund Raising

  • Thursday, 2/27

    • Meal at 6pm (BBQ)

  • Saturday, 3/1

    • Men’s Breakfast at 8:30 am at FLC. Cost is suggested donation of $5 per person.

    • Women’s Brunch at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. The men are cooking us breakfast! Cost is suggested donation of $5 per person.

  • Sunday, 3/2

    • International Potluck following the service in the Family Life Center. Bring your favorite international dish(s), side, or dessert, according to your last name:

      • A - G: Main Dish & Dessert

      • H - R: Main Dish & Salad

      • S - Z: Main Dish & Side

Additional Information:

  • Meals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are donation based. Your donation will help to defray the costs.

  • The Meal on Wednesday is a fundraiser meal by FACTyouth for Youth Fund Raising

  • Weeknight meals will also have peanut butter and jelly available for the more “picky” eaters.

  • Most meals should have some gluten free option available for those that need it.