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FACT Campus Re-opening

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FACT Pandemic Re-gathering Plan: We have a plan in place to help us re-gather in person as a FACT family with care and concern for the whole community. The plan is in 3 phases with each phase increasing activity and decreasing restrictions. Phase 1 began on May 31 with 2 in-person worship services (9am & 10:45am) with limited capacity (RSVP is necessary). Click to view the full plan with vital details and next steps. Please familiarize yourself with this plan so we can work together for the well-being of everyone. We do not seek to respond out of fear, but with love and concern for all in these uncertain times.

Currently, campus access is limited to church staff / necessary senior leadership and the general public by appointment. All in-person events and ministries are on hold, subject to the provisions of the FACT Pandemic Re-gathering Plan. We ask that you continue to follow the instructions and safety recommendations of the civil authorities. Please refrain from visiting the office/campus unless by appointment. For the well-being of our staff, please communicate via email, phone, text, or this website.