WELCOME to AWANA Clubs at First Alliance Church. AWANA Clubs introduces children to Jesus Christ, starts them on a lifelong relationship with Him, and equips them to know, love, and serve Jesus through fun, Scripture-rich experiences and relationships with others. Our team is eager to partner with you as parent/guardian in the spiritual development of your child.
Come join us, from 6:30pm to 8pm
There is still space to register your child for the
2024-2025 Awana year!
You can still register your child for 2024 - 2025 AWANA Year. Just complete the registration,
or If you have any questions about AWANA contact us here or at 706-886-5948.
Registration and info for 2024-25 is available at
Come ready to listen carefully and then OBEY!
Bring a friend, parent, guardian, relative to see what Awana is all about!
Be resolved to do a ton of sections tonight. Each section = 2 shares!
Wear green or come dressed as something that leaps = 1 share.
1 share when you come dressed as a detective & keep your eyes open for ?? Wait and See!
Build up and encourage your friends at AWANA.
Come learn about the ONE who ultimately loves YOU!
Join us for FACT Family Festival of Nations from February 23 to March 2!
During Game Time, we will do somethings in 5s!
Go super crazy completing handbook sections. Each section = 2 shares!
Dress for running a race and earn a share.
Let’s sing and talk about the Fruit of the Spirit.
Let’s learn Acts 1:8 and talk about being one sent to tell others about Jesus.
1st night to give to our 2025 Mission Project.
See handout for more information.
Wear your fun socks and earn a share.
Earn 3 shares for EACH section completed!
Bring your friends and family for fun time.
Let’s thank our leaders tonight.
What happens at Awana?
Each of our Awana Clubs has its own unique flow tailored to the needs of the age group participating. Awana begins at 6:30 pm and ends at 8pm on Wednesday nights during the school year. Clubs features segments for games or other fun activities, small-group Bible learning, large-group Bible teaching, worship, announcements and awards. There are also special events through the Awana Club year like the Awana Grand Prix, and Awana Games..
Children are divided into age appropriate clubs. These include:
Puggles for toddlers age 2-3 introduces them to basic biblical concepts on Wednesdays and equips parents to teach these concepts at home in a fun and safe environment.
Cubbies for kids age 3 (potty trained) - 5 (and not in Kindergarten) celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them develop respect for God, His Son, and His Word.
Sparks for kids in Kindergarten through 2nd grade ignites the curiosity of early elementary age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.
Below are some audio resources for Sparks. Click on the book your child is using to access these audio files.
T & T for kids in grades 3 through 5/6 engages these students in answering their questions about God and the Bible to guide them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace.
Old Testament Song
New Testament Song
2024-2025 Information & Registration
Note: For Fall 2024, we are able to offer:, Puggles & Cubbies (combined), Sparks, and TnT clubs.
Potty trained 3 year olds will be part of Cubbies, and non-potty trained 2-3 year olds will be part of Nursery.
Each child must be registered to be part of AWANA Clubs at First Alliance Church. You can register all the children in your family with one form. Registration provides us with information about your child, your contact information, and some other essential information so we can ensure the safety and well-being of every clubber.
Throughout the year, we have special theme nights and events. Theme nights are fun and usually have the opportunity for clubbers to earn extra shares (rewards) they can use on Store Nights. Access the fall and spring calendars below.
What each Clubber needs to participate:
Club Dues
Part of being an AWANA clubber is participation through dues. These dues help defray the costs of the extras, such as parties, candy, awards, and other special events. There are 3 options for dues. There are per clubber.
$20 for the whole Awana year due in September.
$10 for each semester, due in September and January.
$3 for each month due September, October, November, January, February, March, April
We do recognize that some families cannot fit this extra into their budget, therefore no child will be prevented from being part of AWANA because of dues. However, we certainly encourage this participation by every family. Dues can be paid online or via cash (exact change, please).
Each clubber benefits fully in AWANA Clubs with a handbook. As part of our investment in children, First Alliance Church does not require families to pay for the $10.00 handbook, however any contribution toward your child’s book is greatly appreciated. If your child loses his/her book, then we do ask that families cover the entire cost to replace it.
Uniforms are one part of the AWANA experience. Whether a vest, jersey, or shirt, it gives the each clubber a feeling of belonging and identity, as well as a way for your child to display the awards they earn throughout the year. Each Club within AWANA has a different uniform, and we suggest that you purchase a size that will last your child throughout their time in that particular Club.
Uniforms may be purchased as follows:
• T&T Jersey (Youth size 10, 12, 14, Adult size S, M, L) $15.00
• Sparks Vest (Youth M-8, L-10, XL-12, XXL-14) $10.00
• Cubbies Vest (Youth S, M, L, XL, XXL) $10.00
• Puggles Shirt (2T – 6T) $10.00
If your child needs a uniform, you can order it on the first night with your child’s room leader. However, if your child is new, then they will not receive their uniform item until they have completed the Start Zone orientation. This usually takes a few weeks.
>>> As an alternative, you may purchase a solid color shirt of the same color on your own that your child can wear on Awana nights. Sky Blue for Puggles and Cubbies, Red for Sparks, and Green for T&T.
Payment Information
In addition to cash marked AWANA with your child’s name, you can also pay any dues or fees electronically using our online giving portal. Click the PAY ONLINE button below. Enter the amount you need to pay. You can use either a credit/debit card or your bank account. In the Note/Memo field at the bottom, enter your child’s name and what you are paying for. For example: Sally Jones – Semester Dues and Vest or Johnny Doe – Yearly Dues. You do not have to set up an account to do this, and your financial information is secure. Please note that this is not tax deductible.
NOTE: No one is prevented from being part of AWANA for financial reason. Please let us know if we can help your child be part of AWANA Clubs.
Additional Information About Awana Clubs at FACT
Who Leads Awana Clubs
Members of First Alliance Church serve as part of the Awana Clubs Ministry Team. Trained volunteers who have completed background checks oversee the entire ministry as well as spiritually interacting with each child. Our goal is not only a spiritually impactful ministry, but one that is safe and secure as well.
So that children develop meaningful relationships with their leaders, we make sure there are two leaders for every 4-6 children. Younger-age clubs have a smaller ratio per leader.
We also encourage high-school students to get involved as student leaders. Working alongside adult Awana leaders, student leaders not only work with younger-age clubbers but also learn how to serve in the process. Clubbers see student leaders setting the example of what it means to love, know, and serve Jesus at any age.
There are many ways for people to serve in Awana. These include working directly with kids, teaching, leadership, support roles, and prayer. Not all roles require you to be present for the whole Awana time. It takes many working together for Awana to work well. If you'd like to learn more about being part of this team, contact us.
Parent Partners
Parent Partners is an opportunity for you to spend time with your child as part of their group and the Awana experience (large group, small groups, and games) that evening. We firmly believe that we are here to help you disciple your student. We want to partner with you in their spiritual development, help you understand what they are doing each Wednesday at Awana, and help you help them take next steps to share with their friends. Our room leaders will seek to involve you as much as you are comfortable, but we would, at the very least, encourage you to be involved with your child during small group/book time. On the registration form is a place for you to indicate your willingness, or you can let us know you are interested when you check your child in. We will work with you to choose a week that is best for everyone. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. This is open to all parents/guardians of all kids.
Safety, Drop-off, Pick-up
We are thrilled to have your student as part of AWANA. Because you hand over responsibility of your child to the Awana team, we take steps to ensure your child is cared for and secure throughout the ministry time, and is safely returned to you at the end of the evening.
CHECK IN – When you come to the FACT campus for an Awana night, you will need to go to the Worship Center Check-in Desk (FACTkids desk). When you arrive, you will meet someone with a tablet. You will enter your last name, and then choose your children and press “check in” (they will automatically be assigned to the proper place). When all children are properly checked in, you will push the “finish and print” button, and stickers will be printed out for you. Each registered child will receive one (to be placed in the middle of their back) and you will receive one with all the names on it. (IMPORTANT: you will need this to be able to pick up your students). From there, your clubber(s) can go into the ministry area, and into their classes. You will check in ALL students at this station. As a reminder: Awana begins at 6:30pm. We cannot receive your child any earlier than 6:15pm on Wednesdays.
CHECK-OUT – When you come to pick up your child(ren), you will first need your check in slip that should have the names of all registered children. You will need to show that to the Awana worker, who will be at the FACTkids Desk, and then you can enter the ministry area to get your child. Only parents (not older siblings) will be able to pick up Awana students. If another adult, other than a parent/guardian will be picking up your child, you can let us know who that will be when you register/check-in your child (they will need to have the check-in slip). With this in mind, First Alliance Church has the following release policy:
Workers are not to release a child to a teenager or adult without complete certainty that the parents or parents’ representative is receiving the child. All children are to be held in their room until picked up.
This policy applies to all children involved with AWANA.
Once you have picked up your child, you are responsible to monitor them for their safety. Our team members cannot turn your child over to an older brother/sister or any other representative without first receiving your permission, nor will children be released to go find their parents or to play. We ask for your cooperation in not allowing your child to go to the Fellowship Hall where youth group is taking place, and that your child not run around the parking lot where cars are. Thank you for your cooperation as we attempt to keep your child, and all the children, safe and accounted for.
As a reminder, AWANA ends at 8pm each evening. Please pick up your child no later than 8:15pm so our team members can finish cleaning up and head home.
Awana Store Donations
The ability of Awana clubbers to learn Scripture each and every week is amazing! Each semester we want to encourage them by rewarding their hard work through the Awana Store. We collect new and gently used items such as: art/school supplies, toys, kids' jewelry & purses, candy, etc. For the December store, we also like to collect items the Clubbers can purchase as gifts for family members to give at Christmas. These donations can include: candles (new), figurines, Christmas decor, coffee mugs, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the church office anytime or at the Awana office on Wednesday nights. Thank you for your support as we celebrate the accomplishments of clubbers!