In the second episode of the 2020 Vision series, we take a look at why it is necessary to Connect to Christ. To learn about the context of this series and view the first episode, click here. To learn more about Connect to Christ, and how it fits into the overall picture, click here.
2020 Vision: Our Foundation
Earlier this year at General Council 2019, Alliance president Dr. John Stumbo opened Council with a sermon from the book of Acts. This sermon specifically focused on the parting of ways between Paul and Barnabas and their travelling companion John Mark. Acts 13:13 tells us, 'From Paphos, Paul and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia, where John left them to return to Jerusalem'. Paul and Barnabas were heading inland toward Pisidian Antioch. This was going to be a very challenging trip, up through the mountains with difficult terrain, and they were not exactly sure what they would encounter. They only knew that this was precisely where God was sending them. John Mark was not up for the challenge; why we do not know. John chose to part ways and head back to Jerusalem. Decisions were made by each of these men there in the port city of Perga that day.
The Elders here at First Alliance Church believe we, as a body of believers, are at a “Perga moment” of our own. It is time for us as a church to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit through our elders into a new direction. We know this is the direction God is guiding us, and excited about what He is doing among us. This direction may bring unexpected terrain, challenges, and winding roads, however we will press forward toward the vision God has placed before us to Connect to Christ, Grow with Others, and Engage the World as we seek to be and make biblical, loving, Spirit-filled disciples becoming more like Christ.
Over the course of the next few months and into 2020, the Elders will be presenting, through the method of short videos twice a month “2020 Vision”. These videos will lay the groundwork for the direction God is leading First Alliance Church Toccoa in 2020 and moving forward.
We invite you to view each video, be in prayer about next steps, and join with us on this exciting and yet unknown journey we are taking together.
Here is Episode 1: Our Foundation: