Ending 2016 and Beginning 2017 at FACT

Greetings, First Alliance!

As we conclude 2016, we are thankful for all that God is doing in our midst. Over the past year we have sought to connect, grow, and engage as disciples of Jesus Christ in love. He is working in and among us to fulfill His purposes both in us, and in our community and our world. May we continue to live in pursuit of Jesus as the people of God. We look forward to 2017 -  the doors God is opening, the paths that He is leading us in, and the new lives that will become part of the kingdom because of our faithful living as holy people of God.

The end of 2016 also means the next steps in Sanctuary Renovation. After our Christmas services, work will begin in earnest. We are excited about the new space we will have to gather to worship the Lord our God and invite others to as well. To make sure we are all on the same page, please make note of the following:

  • Worship Services will be held in the Fellowship Hall beginning 1 January 2017. There will be one service at 10:45am on 1 January, and we will resume our regular 2 service schedule on 8 January 2017. When services are in progress, please do not enter or exit the Fellowship Hall through the doors by the big screen near the library. Please use the doors that go into the Children’s Area Hallway. This will help reduce distractions for others during a worship service.
  • Coffee & Connection will not happen on 1 January 2017 but will resume on 8 January 2017. During the time services are held in the Fellowship Hall, Coffee & Connection will temporarily move to the Family Life Center.
  • The Fellowship Hall Sunday School Community that meets in the Fellowship Hall will be temporarily relocated to the Family Life Center during this period.
  • Weekly Activities normally meeting in the Fellowship Hall will take place in other rooms on our campus. Be sure to check with your group/ministry leader to confirm temporary locations.
  • On-Deck Youth will continue to meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday evenings during this period. They will resume on 4 January 2017.
  • The Front Lobby Area will be closed for a few weeks during renovation work. We will communicate with you when this will be, and will post signs. 
  • Signs will be posted to inform and direct. Please follow them for your safety, the safety of others, and to help things flow as smoothly as possible.
  • The Children’s Area Hallway will be a main route to the Fellowship Hall during this time. If you are not a parent, child, or Children’s Ministry Volunteer, please do not linger in this area.
  • Parking spaces near the Fellowship Hall will be blocked off during this time to allow for safety and easier pedestrian access.

Here’s how you can help make this period a positive one:

  • Be flexible and work together. This is an opportunity for us to grow in grace toward one another during this time of ministry changes/dislocations. Our relationships with one another in the love of Christ is the most important.
  • Consider attending the 10:45am service during this time if you are not part of a Sunday School Community. This would create some space in the 9am service seating. Everyone who currently comes at 9am can fit in the Fellowship Hall, but it will be “cozy."
  • Help with heavy lifting and some demo work on Monday, 26 December 2016 in the sanctuary to prepare it for the actual renovation work. If you are available, please be at the church at 9am.
  • Come and get a pew if you are interested in having one on Monday, 26 December with a way to get it to wherever you would like it to go. We are unable to store pews for later pickup.
  • Grab any bibles, hymnals, Connect Cards, and pens in the area you sit at the end of the Christmas morning service at 10:45am and place them in the designated areas.
  • Follow all posted signs during the renovation period.

Thank you for your cooperation and flexibility during this period. We look forward to returning to the Sanctuary and dedicating this refreshed space to the glory of God. We also thank you for your continued support and prayers in regards to this project. Please continue to pray for the work to be done, for those doing the work, and for God to be glorified. Please also continue to seek the Lord regarding your financial participation in this project. While we are excited to have over 80% of the estimated project cost (which has allowed us to start), we are not quite there yet. We are not borrowing money for this, and desire to finish in a timely fashion which requires us reaching the 100% mark. The Lord has provided, and we are trusting Him to help us cross the finish line.

May the Lord continue to bless First Alliance. Not only in this specific project, but as we continue to seek Him, grow as His disciples, and invite others to surrender their lives to the fullness of Christ in us, the hope of glory.

May you and your family know the blessed presence of the Lord this Christmas season.

P.S. Please don’t forget about our Christmas services on Christmas Eve at 6pm and Christmas morning at 10:45am. Invite friends and others you know who are not part of a local church to come with you, especially on Christmas Eve. Don’t forget we’re collecting clean coats and blankets on Christmas Eve evening for the Salvation Army to give to those in need in our community. 

FACT Life News...

Greetings, First Alliance!

Trust that you all are having a joyful Advent/Christmas season as we both wait for and celebrate the coming of Christ. May you continue to experience the fullness of Christ in moments of waiting, and may you express kindness and joy to those you cross paths with in the love of Jesus Christ.


Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Community Service this year on December 24 will begin at 6pm. We want you to be aware, but more importantly we want you to be inviting people to come with you to this service. This hour long service is designed for our greater community, especially those who aren’t connected with a local church. Who do you know in your neighborhood, at work, at school, at the gym, etc. that you could invite to come and hear the good news of Jesus Christ this Christmas? More people attend Christmas services than any other time of the year, especially if a friend invites them. Please invite people you know to come with you on Christmas Eve to pause and hear the truth of Christmas. Be praying not only for the people you invite, but also those that others invite that all would clearly hear and respond to the good news of Jesus this Christmas. 

We are also collecting clean coats and blankets for the Salvation Army this Christmas. Bring them on Christmas Eve so we can bless those in need in our area generously.  And be sure to let the people you invite know about this as well. Christmas is a time of giving.

Feel free to share about the Christmas Eve Candlelight Community Service on social media. We also have some flyers that can be distributed around town. If you would like to put some up, please contact Pastor Chris this week.


Also, as we let you know on Sunday, the next phase of Sanctuary Renovation involves us holding our regular worship services in the Fellowship Hall. This begins 1 January 2017, and will involve a bit of flexibility and patience on everyone’s part. Some activities and events that normally happen in the Fellowship Hall will be temporarily moved to other parts of our campus. Things may be a little “challenging” for a number of weeks, but this is also a time for us to draw together, show grace to one another, and see how God works in and through us in these days as a church body. Let’s work together to make this period as joyful as possible. The Elders, Administrative Board, and Pastoral Staff continue to see this project as an important part of the next season of life at First Alliance. Please be praying for the smooth completion of the work, safety for those doing the work, that the remaining funds to complete the project would come in quickly, and that above all God would be glorified both in the work and in our attitudes.


Finally, we hope to see you all on Wednesday evening, 14 December 2016, for the FACT Christmas Banquet. We’re looking forward to being together, and especially looking forward to an evening of Christmas cheer without an annual meeting. If you need a reminder of what to bring, click here.


We’re thankful that you are part of First Alliance. May we continue to connect, grow, and engage as disciples of Jesus Christ for the fulfillment of the Great Commission both in our own backyard and around the world.