It's time to engage children around the world with good news of great joy through shoeboxes. Boxes filled with toys and necessities not only bless children who don't have much, but also open a door to introduce them to Christ so they can choose to begin their own journey of discipleship. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is eternal.
Operation Christmas Child is a great way to get involved with the evangelism and discipleship of children around the world. Every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool - transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the good news of Jesus Christ.
Here's how you can participate this year:
- Grab a box. They are available starting October 22 at the church near the Library.
- Fill the box with the recommended items (more below). It helps when you cover the shipping cost, but please do not place money in your box.
- Return it no later than Nov. 19 to the same area you picked it up from. Shipping donation money (via cash or checks made out to Samaritan's Purse) can be placed in the designated box.
- Pray for the child that will receive your box to become a disciple.
Our goal is to collect and send out 350 of these boxes from FACT this year. You can invite friends and co-workers to join you in engaging the world.
Please do not purchase or pack:
(based on input from people on the receiving end of boxes)
- Anything with English instructions
- Items needing batteries (other than flashlights)
- Items like play-dough, stickers, yo-yos
- Toy guns and other military themed items
- Stuffed animals (boxes go everywhere, and certain animals have certain negative cultural connotations that we can't anticipate.)
- Stuff that isn't universally recognized (like card games, uno, matching, soduku, etc)
- Anything cheap, fragile, or used
- Anything liquid or lotion based
And please, think of this like you are giving a gift to a friend's child, not as a way to get rid of stuff you don't want any more.
For information about packing a box, click here for an illustrated guide.
or watch this brief video:
You can read about the work being done through Operation Christmas Child here, and you can view other videos here featuring stories of the impact of shoeboxes just like the one you will pack.
Thanks for partnering together to engage the world with good news of great joy.