The Contribution Deadline for 2016 is December 31. For your tithes and offerings to be counted on your 2016 tax receipt, we must have received it by then. If you give online, please do so a few days before the end of year so it has time to process. Thank you for your faithful stewardship throughout 2016, and for your end of year gifts that allow us, as well as the GCF, to continue to make disciples and reach the nations with the good news of Jesus.
Remember Online Giving during these next few weeks. Online giving is convenient and secure. Go to and click Give, use the mobile app, or text Give to 706-567-7379. You can also set up your tithes/offerings as recurring and automated to ensure your stewardship as a disciple is intentional and consistent moving in 2017. Along with the website and the FACT App you can stay aware and engaged with what’s going on.